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Blog - Environmental Humanities Graduate Program - The University of Utah Skip to content

EH Blog

Community Engagement Spotlight: Doug Sam

Community Engagement Spotlight: Doug Sam

Doug Sam is a second-year EH student and a Mellon Community Fellow. The Mellon Community Fellowship in the EH Program is funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Fellows form reciprocal partnerships with a community organization and develop a project that addresses local environmental justice issues. Doug has partnered with the Summit Land Conservancy for his fellowship, merging both his interests in environmental education and Indigenous history. Summit Land Conservancy is a nonprofit dedicated to saving open spaces of Park City and the Wasatch Back.

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Faculty Feature: Danielle Endres

Faculty Feature: Danielle Endres

Danielle Endres is a Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Utah. She is also an affiliated faculty member in the Environmental Humanities Program. She recently received a National Science Foundation grant to research practices of energy democracy in Puerto Rico. Her research and teaching expertise lies in environmental communication, social movements, and Indigenous studies.

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Last Updated: 8/21/21